Charities known as NPOs (Nonprofit Organizations) aim to further public interest (Wilcox & Cameron, 2012, p.548). In the nonprofit sector, campaigns have grown to be regular feature. From small campaigns raising thousands of dollars for grassroots community service organizations to the massive billion-dollar efforts coordinated by the top universities in the
country, campaigns and all their accompanying activity have become a major feature of the terrain for NPOs and their leaders (Walker, 2004). A few non-profit leaders see them as a necessary evil. One cannot overestimate the importance of a campaign for any kind of business. Campaign reveals to essential market segments who eventually are to participate in energy, time, and financial donations vital to the quality and, at times, survival of an institution,
its objectives and hopes (Dove, 1988). Especially if the campaign is conducted on social media, the campaign helps in revealing NPOs to possible funding from a larger audience (Hansen, 2014). One of the main components of a successful campaign is its own originality in terms of design. While the advertising sector perceives innovation as a basic ability, marketers depend on creative ads to differentiate their brand and transmit their ideas (El-
Murad and West hough for varied reasons
creative ads may not always have the anticipated results; the impact of advertising innovation can be more complicated than it seems to be. Though most research is conducted at the market level in this sense, it is logical to assume that these negative reactions to advertising items will show up among target consumers. The num is a negative impact on campaign outcome indicators including sales and in NPO's currency.Giving is a call to action to sacrifice
something (giving) in whatever way to one who needs Salamon, 1999. Previous studies have shown that several elements can affect charity donations (Hughes, 2002) observed that one of the variables can affect donations. A personal experience with an organization was also a motivating factor for charity gift (Nelson, 2001). Also shown was that women typically tMany people freely admit to knowing little or nothing about how charitable organizations are
administered and managed, according to polls (Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute, 2008); many of these polls also show The researcher will first compile the data from their social media, website, past studies and articles for secondary data. First knowing depth more about the companies that will be interviewed and to know the trend of engagement of influencers in
A also a NPOs recent campaigns
and challenges. Phase 1 data collecting Furthermore, these information acquired will enable the second phase's subject guide development from the semistructured interview perspective. Under the second phase, the researcher will gather the main information by means of semi-structured interviews with the subjects. The interview will take place with a specific topic guide present and preselected questions in hand. Questions can be further for every participant (per
company) throughout the interview process. Six people will be involved in this study; the interview will take place online using a 1:1 video conference via an online meeting tool. Individuals are not often knowledgeable of the non-profit organizations in which they associate (Van Slyke & Roch, 2004), and as they communicate rather regularly with such
organizations, this interview used to engage more insights from the real field situation to know the real impact to the results number of donations they gain. These findings lead one to conclude that, in view of devolution and intersectoral structures, differences between sectors are progressively blurring and not only will the public continue to have little knowledge of how
Non-profit organizations operate but also
be more difficult for the public to differentiate from other social sectors. In the end, this can make it more difficult for the people to know where and how to show their religion Furthermore, a poll revealed that 60% of sample businesses concentrate on the influencer approach when they raise money for a campaign and as their effort in clearing the doubts of
contributors towards the integrity of the NPO (Admaster, 2019). "relationship is an essential foundation on which social commerce is built," says Liang et al. "Consumers depend on these influencers for information, listen to their experiences or refer to them as models, also depend on them for product intelligence, use them to discover new products and brands, or use them
as a "reference group," so building an asymmetric relationship between consumers and a crowd of influencers (Nairet al., 2010). In their most recent research, TapInfluence (2019) underlines in 11 times greater return on investment than other traditional advertising channels that influencer marketing can produce. Moreover, some research have found that different forms of social power can influence the inclination to participate in a call of action
Related to the social power theory, a person or group of people with particular kinds of social power may influence the psychological or behavioral aspects of another person (the target) on participating in purchase intentions (donating to organizations with which they are emotionally or personally attached to). Knowledge of non-profit organizations is another element affecting giving. Famous celebrities' participation helps their supporters to get familiar
with the non-profit organizations Another is the range of services and NPOs' (Peltier, Schibrowsky, and Schultz supposed repute Studies in the field of advertising found that communications an targeted advertising expenses are quite sensitive of donations.marketers depend on creative ads to differentiate their brand and transmit their ideas
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