assumption that use and familiarity with technology/ICTs by young people equates with effective and efficient information-seeking skills in all contexts. At no stage during both the early adoption phases beginning in the late 1990s and the current programs to place technology into schools at both the state and the national level in Australia, has the capability of young people when using technology been questioned. These systemic education policy
documents use the early observations of Tapscott and Prensky as benchmarks and foster the perception that young people from the Net Generation already have the necessary skills to use ICTs when seeking information. It is schools and teachers who are lagging behind. As a result, a major implication is that teachers need to integrate use of the technology rather than the teaching of information skills in curriculum programs. Similar attitudes prevail in political
systems outside Australia. Hence, one of President Obama’s major initiatives to create jobs and prepare the United States of America (USA) economy for recovery and a major role in the twenty-first century, includes the modernisation of schools, access to broadband infrastructure, wireless and ‘next generation facilities, technologies andThe fact that young
People use technology heavily and appear
very confident is a major component of the rationale that supports the idea of a Net Generation. It is important that we know exactly what students are doing if we are to prepare them for the workplace and society in general in the twenty-first century. Governments and information agencies worldwide are currently employing digital initiatives which will ultimately make all government information and services transparent and publicly available via e-
government Web portals. The Australian Responsive government: A new service agenda, 2006 e-Government strategy signalled a new era in service delivery. The strategy supports the move towards online service delivery for all government agencies and states that citizens will ‘prefer the added convenience and functionality of online, electronic and voice-based channels, which they will use frequently’ (Commonwealth Government of Australia, 2006, p.
latest document from the Australian Commonwealth Government is the #au 20 national digital economy strategy (Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE), 2011). The focus in thisa descending order, respectively. The remaining 29% classified proactiveness, risk-taking and innovativeness in line with its significance to promote the EO of a firm in a descending order, respectively. These groups of respondents clearly
That proactiveness is the most important
factor for driving the EO of a firm, particularly in what concerns the “proactiveness in communicating”. According with these interviewees, “the quicker a company adapts and learn with its own mistakes, the more robust the business will become”. In addition, due to its own experience and personal opinions, they’ve classified “proactiveness as a precursor of risk-
taking and innovativeness”. From a different standpoint, out of the 42% interviewees that disagreed with the obtained survey results, 29% classified innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness in line with its significance to promote the EO of a firm in a descending order, respectively. The remaining 13% rated innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking in line with its significance to promote the EO of a firm in a descending order, respectively. The
interviewees that shared these opinions have justified it by stating that “innovation is the most important dimension until you reach PMF”, as the market may sometimes reject what it was concluded to result in theory, therefore demanding for a continuous inflow of new ideas. In addition, these groups firmly stated that “no one takes risk without doing something new”,
Which explains why risk-taking was
reported to be a less significant driver of EO when compared with innovativeness. In sum, the most frequent answer to the interview question I8 presented by the interviewees matched the survey results analysis: risk-taking as the most significant factor driving the EO of a startup firm developed under crisis scenarios, followed by innovativeness and proactiveness. However, due to the abovementioned reasons, the majority of the interviewees did not agree
with the survey results analysis, being that proactiveness and innovativeness were reported as beisolutions to information storage, also make digital solutions very attractive. Supporters of e-government and e-business solutions argue that digital information is more cost effective, easier to store particularly with the advent of cloud computing, easier and faster to produce, easy to manipulate and with search engine technology, easier to locate (Commonwealth
Government, 2006). Governments also argue that information accessed by electronic means is catering for the next generation who prefer and already have the skills to access information in this format. For citizens in the twenty-first century, government and public information is increasingly being published only in digital format, as evidenced by the Federal
Government Publishing Service and the Western Australian state government job information which are now wholly online (Commonwealth Government of Australia, 2012; Government of Western Australia, 2012). In the current climate of budget cuts the Australian Commonwealth Government is looking to electronic advertising and publishing to save waste in the public service (Brinsden, 2012). Being able to locate, interpret and use information online is going to
an essential skill for cThe positive expected sign of each hypothesis path derives bothfrom the obtained interview and survey overall results. Accordingly, all interviewees reported to be using remote work applications daily and all the three studied EO dimensions were characterized by values above the mean point of the 7-point Likert scale in line with the survey results, suggesting a priori that remote work exhibited a positive impact in the three
dimensions. As a result, the considered hypotheses that the use of remote work apps contributed to an increase in innovativeness and proactiveness as EO dimensions were supported, while the hypothesis regarding an increase in risk-taking deriving from the use of remote work apps was not supported. The results suggest that the use of remote work apps revealed the highest impact in innovativeness, followed by proactiveness and risk-taking. In
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