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The Role of Influencers in Small Business Storytelling

According to Instagram’s own website 75 % of Instagrammers take action after being inspired by a post and 60 % of Instagrammers say they discover new products on Instagram ( When it comes to influencer marketing, Instagram was the best performing channel for social action in 2015, and delivered a social action rate of 3.21 % compared to 1. 

across all social networks, according to RythmOne’s Influencer Marketing Benchmarks Report of 2015. The social action rate can be counted by dividing social media engagements with social media exposure (RythmOne, 2016). Accordning to an Annalect research (2017) about Instagram influencer marketing in Finland, 73% of the Finnish Instagram users follow 

Instagram influencers, such as bloggers, celebrities, or moderators of specific content profiles. The influencers interest consumers and the product tips are generally considered useful. The study also showed that Instagram resonates especially with younger age groups, and they are also more probable to purchase products or services based on Instagram influencers’ 

recommendations According to the same study

as many as one third of those who had been affected by influencer marketing have made a purchase decision based on influencer marketing (Annalect, 2017). An alternative method of identifying the right influencers, is asking those people who are making the decisions, so the company have to understand exactly what community it is looking for. If it is a multi-product 

firm, is should have a different set of influencers for each product, in each industry sector and each country. (Brown & Hayes, 2008). When choosing the right influencers for a brand, there are according to PING Helsinki certain qualities that the influencers should have. To these include knowing the product/service and have genuine interest in it, being an expert and 

opinion leader in his/her field, having the right target audience for the company, knowing how to produce suitable content, like stories, videos, pictures and social media posts, understanding marketing and being interested in commercial cooperation, having a sufficient number of committed followers in the relevant social media channels, having good 

cooperation skills and understanding

the value of his/her work (, 2017). According to Brown & Fiorella’s book “Influence Marketing” (2013) the current paradigm of influence marketing puts the influencer at the center of the marketing universe. Another theory that Brown & Fiorella mentions, and calls “The scientific truth” (p. 77), is the theory about placing the customer at the center of the 

marketing universe, and not the influencer. The customer is ultimately the one making the purchasing decisions, not the influencer. Business brands and their marketing messages and the influencers are according to Brown and Fiorella planets circling the customer, vying for his attention. In the first theory with the influencer at the center of the influence marketing 

model, as shown in figure 1, marketers have to identify people who have a wide reach within communities focused on specific interests or keywords. The Fisherman’s influence model can help companies identify potential influencers and their communities and may later on be used as the basis for further research and analysis into these relationships. Considerate marketers 

may only use the Fisherman’s Influence

Marketing Model as a first step in the marketing plan. The Fishermans’s Influence Model is about applying the concept of “casting a wide net to catch the most fish” to Influence Marketing strategies, which stands for leveraging those with the largest following and reach among large social communities that will drive the greatest brand awareness and eventually 

result in a purchase (Brown & Fiorella, 2013)In the second theory the customer is repositioned in the center of the cycle, and a completely new universe opens up. Instead of when the influencers are placed at the center, and the circling planets being their various followers, it is now the people, institutions, technologies, and communities that impact 

purchase decisions circling the customer. Whether a company chooses to use the Fisherman’s influence Marketing Model or the Customer- centric model the first step is the same: Identifying the target audience’s demographics and which communities they engage in most often; however this is where the similarities end between the two models. Individuals 


with the widest reach and perceived authority are identified in the hope of converting them to macro-influencers, like brand ambassadors or if they are current customers, to advocates. Once the communities and the influencers are identified, the marketing team is attempting to educate, encourage and motivate the chosen influencers to broadcast and share encouraging brand messages through their for ex. social channels, like blogs and Facebook. This way

are engaging the audience with awards etc. to encourage the followers to share those same interactions with their own social graphsAccording to Holly Hamann, co-founder and CMO of TapInfluence, it is the nichebased content that influencers’ produce that make them valuable for a brand. The influencers should not only be segmented by popular areas like patenting, food, fitness, fashion, and entertainment, but they can be segmented further to reach specific 

consumers like pet lovers, marathon runners and organic cooks. When identifying potential influencers for you brand there are five things to look for according to Hamann: Relevance, Engagement, Reach, Frequency and Authenticity. The first thing to look at is Relevance, how aligned an influencers' content is with your messaging. The company looking for an influencer should read through the influencers’ posts to get a sense of what kind of customer they are


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