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The Basics of Influencer Marketing for Small Business Owners

As you can see, our vertical shows 2,665 possible creators overall. Parents, in our markets, with a big following and active audience abound. This is only the beginning; they do not always coincide with our audience or values or even show an interest in working with us.Though first overwhelming—especially if you have never worked with a partner, software

as a service, or online platform—trust me; you will quickly narrow down the larger choice into a refined shortlist.Furthermore, you are preparing yourself to deal with this pool of talent long term, hence the initial outlay should be seen as reasonable. Not only for one campaign but for years to come, you are addressing the very first bottleneck to release a scalable and

successful method of influencer marketing.Under microeconomics and business, the idea of economies of scale holds that a corporation should be able to lower its cost per unit by raising its output or production. Influencer marketing as well might benefit from this idea to boost your effectiveness. Reduced cost per unit results from higher overall production. By means of long-

term commitment with high performing

talent and long-term approach to create a sustainable talent pool (not one-off campaign), scale drives down cost. lowers your total expenses.Particularly if your team is bigger than one, you will have to make sure that your definition of style, diversity, sentiments, values, and such is apparent as you restrict your options. Having one half of your staff reject what the other half find ideal is nothing worse. Should your brand have another stakevetting system?

Furthermore, if you can show influencers and creators that you grasp their point of view—something we will discuss in great detail in Chapter 5: Creator-Centric Strategies—you will create a great unfair edge for your business.From 2,665 to 500 creators, we have so limited our choice by about 80%. They exactly meet the requirements of our talent pool. Let's

examine if our brand can be said to be the same. Looking at the top-down funnel data shown at the start of our imaginary example, you will find that we have anticipated a last sharp drop-off. As described in our last checklist, you should find someone who is responsive and share your basic principles together with a clearly expressed desire in collaborating with your business. We passed about 80%, hence it is only reasonable to think that 80% of artists will

follow us Given all the prior effort going

up to this level, it is quite reasonable if the process of contacting hundreds of influencers merely to have them qualify you seems daunting or even impossible. In Chapter 6: 1:1 Relationships at Scale, we will specifically address exactly how to engineer every stage of the route. When you see how simple this section really is, you will most likely be shocked.

Remember, the objective is to have people on your final shortlist raise their hand and inform you whether they would want to collaborate with your brand as much as you would want them to. This also presents a chance to find other factors that cannot be evaluated without their involvement. Do they use a nearby gym Attend celebrations. Like the smartphone they now

own Have a watch with smart design Employ cannabis consume alcohol Consume meat. Are they scheduled to remodel their bathroom Indeed, these are all actual case studies. You won't have to search a haystack ever again after you have the solution and they have raised their hand to affirm your values match theirs.From basic good to valuable asse Reducing your search from millions, to thousands, to hundreds will allow you to engage in a different game.

Now your business owns a talent pool

of creators, sometimes known as influencers. These incredible people rightfully do not "belong" to you in any shape or form, but you have turned a commodity into a great asset. That is only the beginning, though. Assuming you activate every one of the 100 influencers in your talent pool for a campaign aiming at increasing sales on your website Every campaign

participant provides a promotional code for their followers to use on your website shopping. One week later you evaluate the result of your campaign. Suddenly, you have a data point and insight not known to anyone on Earth last week: You know who sold and who did not sell things. You know who the bottom 20% are (that you probably shouldn't engage for a second similar campaign with a similar objective), who the middle 60% are (that help you establish an

average benchmark), and who your topholders from other teams weight in with their opinion, so ensuring that their feedback is assessed objectively. In this fictional case, my next action would be to examine the audience of my chosen shortlist. I would employ a third-party company or platform designed in social media audience and demographic analysis to do this.


Among a handful are Demographics Pro,7 HypeAuditor,8 and the Audience Insights Tool from my own company.7 Congratulation are in order. We would want to collaborate with a lot of gifted influencers and producers that we have found here. Phew! Your other internal stakeholders have approved your shortlist a common bottleneck and time sink, eradicated for the near future. Your staff and you can now run faster than you have ever known. Remember, though, our aim is to have a pool of 100 creators with both less friction and more

impact. Though right now everything are in motion; the best is still to come.The same principle can be applied to measure other marketing funnel KPIs like reach, brand lift, website traffic, engagement, website traffic, lead generation, or app installs. If you were to replicate the very same campaign, with the very same structure, and change nothing but to exclude the bottom 20%, you’ve suddenly skewed the odds to somewhat in your favor. Double down on


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