well-known to them and you have their permission to be creative; that is all you need. There is a completely equal playing field when you can get your hands on a drone, learn how to run one on YouTube, and share your footage for free to anyone on the earth. The only thing that will really set you apart is your capacity to, as YouTuber Casey Neistat notes in one of his
most watched videos,17 "do what you can't"—to push the limits of imagination and invention.When I said I wanted to make movies, they said: You can't, you didn't go to film school," Casey says in the video. A talk show is not possible Then he says: "But you have a webcam... and you could! All you need as a creative is a phone, an internet connection, and a
decent concept. Story you wish to tell, something you have to say, and the rest is history. And you are interviewing the POTUS next thing you know.the later in reference to a 2016 video featuring YouTuber Liza Koshy Too interviewing Barack Obama on her YouTube channel. Clearly, this is boosting the expectations. Creatives suddenly have to start up their game.
Ultimately they are vying with tens
of thousands of other gifted artists within their own subgenre as well.The same applies to you, simply $3.2 billion.Receptive to ads that tell a compelling tale on social media, tutorials, and other forms of sponsored content, the eyeballs are drawn advertising showing genuine people in actual circumstances rather than celebrities.You will thus want to change your
perspective and approach social media creators, influencers, like media publishers and the investment like advertising spend.Brands will put aside between 5 and 10 billion of their media budgets for influencer marketing over the next several years. It marks a seismic change in media consumption rather than a fleeting trend. Still, the word influencer is often
abused and equally misinterpreted. In the next chapter, you will discover that the three primary levers holding the key to fully realize influencer marketing for your brandther people, independent of the social media platform they post their content on: influence is an outcome, not a vocation.A few years back, Blogger, WordPress, Twitter, and Facebook dominated the
scene These days Instagram
YouTube, and Snapchat rule. Though I'm not sure where it will be in another few years or what the forms will look like, I would imagine we would consume material from other people.Where the eyeballs and attention are, the advertising dollars probably will follow. Individuals have more publishing power than the biggest media firms in the world had less
than twenty years ago.And if we want to stay in our field as marketers and digital advertising, our task will be to follow along and play by consumer guidelines.Said another way, see digital content creators as modern magazines or TV networks rather than just "social media stars."Podcasts and audio broadcasts abound on the other side of the spectrum.
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