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Maximizing ROI with Influencer Marketing for Small Businesses

According to McCracken ( 1989), the particular connotations that the influencer or celebrity carries will determine how successful an endorsement is. Using celebrities as a marketing strategy is usually more successful than other marketing endorsements from, say "the company manager," or "the professional expert" (Jaiprakash, 2008).Because of their media presence, acquired by their riches, way of life, and associations, consumers trust influencers

and celebrities (Um, 2018). Appel et al. (2019) say that a well-known marketing tactic for companies to influence consumers is the use of influencers or opinion leaders—that is, celebrities etc as indicated. When a company chooses to promote a good, service, or brand using a celebrity or influencer, it is implying that the endorser brings with them that is then transferred to a brand, product, or service, and if properly matched, may help sales for the

given company Finding the most appropriate and effective person influencer, celebrity, etc.for the particular brand, product, and influencer marketing presents challenges. Like the effect the internet or technology has had, internationalization along with globalization has rapidly changed the world; social media is perhaps the next external engine of growth for e-

businesses and marketers says that social

media and the accompanying marketing technologies, like influencer marketing, have the potenThis paper attempts to expand the body of knowledge already in publication on social media and especially influencer marketing for companies which globalize. Although a lot of material already exists on the two distinct research topics, the study on the combination of influencer marketing and internationalization is few. When a company chooses to break

national boundaries and internationalize, how will the fast expansion of influencer marketing and social media affect the way influencer marketing is then applied? Sheth (2020) argues that traditional international marketing methods like standardization and adaptability to be unlearned. Maybe these conventional tactics for international marketing will be used

differently, and instead influencer marketing's adaptability for many foreign markets will take front stage. Businesses and marketers would benefit from a better knowledge of internationalization and how it affects how they employ influencer marketing, so bridging the knowledge gap and helping companies aiming to internationalize and market themselves.

could change worldwide marketing

Shaheer et al. (2020) claim that recent studies show the significance of users alongside literature regarding digital internationalization that investigates the supply side factors like business resources and strategies, but also emphasizes the part users help to enable. Along with the globalization process for e-businesses comes the question of whether to standardize

or modify marketing activities, and the degree to which these techniques should be applied Better known as influencer marketing, today's extension of traditional WOM marketing is a tool for companies to increase their customer base by means of communication that creates a relationship between businesses, endorsers, and consumers and is developed via trust and authenticity (Sudha & Sheena, 2017). According to Vieira et al. (2020), the interaction that e-

marketing permits for consumers transforms the way that communication is done and determines whether or not organizations are successful. Social media and its usage of influencer marketing can contribute to diversification of a business network and become a facilitating element for chances of internationalization and successful entrance into foreign markets (Vasilchenko & Morrish, 2011). E-businesses have been able to effectively build a

base both in domestic and international markets

by using social media channels to engage, listen, help and welcome present and potential consumers (Sheth, 2020). Clearly, social media may generate value for companies by means of marketing campaigns and the reach it offers for them with customers (Sheth, 2020). Social media gives consumers in foreign markets awareness of the goods and services an e-business offers, thereby helping them throughout internationalization (Sheth, 2020). Vieira et

al. (2020) claim that around 85% of the over four billion people linked to the internet worldwide currently utilize it regularly. Though how international marketing has developed, the effect that digitization has had on the way the internet is used via e-businesses and inside e-marketing has greatly affected the way business is conducted abroad. One should give great

thought to the marketing initiatives influencers can offer a company via their social media channels since they raise awareness of a company difficult to reach using other marketing techniques (Dedeoğlu et al., 2020).Sheth (2020) claims that a social media tsunami is under way and that its consequences on internationalizing marketing will probably show sooner than most have expected.Thanks to the billions of users social media sites like Facebook,


YouTube, and Instagram have, consumers are able to interact across national boundaries, independent of physical location, so building customer networks with own market strength (Sheth, 2020).While marketing initiatives have changed to fit the rise of social media, the basic objective has always been to draw in and keep consumers (Wolny & Mueller, 2013).Influencer marketing, valued at ten-billion dollars in 2020, is becoming more and more

significant on social media and as a strategy for corporate marketing (Haenlein et al., 2020).The future of international marketing will be much changed by social media without national boundaries (Sheth, 2020).Marketing of a byor service (De Veirman et al., 2017 authenticity (Sudha & Sheena, 2017). According to Vieira et al. (2020), the interaction that e


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