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Essential Tools for Media Buyers in the USA

Brand awareness is the level of consumer understanding and recognition of a brand or company. It measures the extent to which consumers recognize, remember, and know the existence of a particular brand when they are presented with similar products or services. Brand awareness is an important element in marketing strategy, because strong brand awareness can provide a competitive advantage for companiesThere are two types 

of brand awareness that are commonly known: Unaided Awareness: This is the level of consumer understanding of the brand without any assistance or guidance. When consumers are asked to name a brand from a particular product category, they can easily name a brand they know without any help or advice from brand choice.  Aided Awareness: This is the level of consumer understanding of the brand with the help or guidance of the brand choices 

provided. When consumers are asked to name brands from a particular product category, they may need assistance or guidance in naming brands they know. Brand awareness is important because it forms the foundation for brand perception and consumer purchasesWith a high level of brand awareness, consumers tend to have more trust in the brand and are more likely to choose products or services from that brand. In addition, brand awareness also

Thus lead generation is often an emphatic

goal for content creation, especially in B2B. Sales metrics help to identify the impact of CM on firm performance. Thus, these metrics help marketers to find out how CM impacts customer acquisition and sales goals. The importance of digital content can be seen in the number of the empirical conducted studies which indicates the dynamicity of marketing in providing solutions and suggestions for better marketing processes. The following are some of these 

empirical researches. Nuseir and Aljumah (2020) investigate the role of digital marketing on business performance in the small and medium enterprises sector of the United Arab Emirates. The goal of their research is to determine the empirical relationship between digital marketing and business performance among SMEs of UAE. The study was conducted on 

marketing managers and IT managers of SMEs. It is mentioned that 70% residents of United Arab Emirates take advice from social media before purchase. Therefore, it has been noticed that social media applications provide information to customers. The results have showed that digital marketing efforts made by applications influence the performance among SEMs of UAE, and that the utilization of the latest technology enables firms to approach customers 

Moreover it has been observed

that the adoption of digital marketing applications takes place due to external competitive pressure that influences business performance. It is suggested that businesses must utilize latest technological advancements for marketing efforts to approach customers effectively and efficiently in order to grow in a highly competitive environment. Sharma and Thakur (2020) 

conduct a study about the impact of digital marketing on consumers purchase. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of digital marketing on customer's buying behavior. The investigators seek to discover whether digital marketing is an imperative tool for both marketers and consumers. The study takes place in India and the sample is 100 respondents 

who buy goods or services via digital platforms. A quantitative questionnaire for the analysis of primary data is used to examine the effect of digital marketing on various criteria. The results have shown that customer behavior is crucial to commercial performance. Yet, those consumers adopted the usage of the Internet and online applications and many of them were 

Satisfied with the items that they bought

by Digital network. A business will grow and increase as marketers know customer's needs and desires. Febrian (2021) investigate content marketing communication that uses two different theories which are the use and generation theory (UGT) that delivers customers value and the user-generated content (UGC) from the direct customers who deliver it. The main objective of their research is to test whether digital content marketing using UGT and 

affectcustomer engagement and purchase intention. The study takes place in Indonesia and the sample is 267 participants. The findings have showed that digital marketing content has a positive impact on customer engagement and purchase intentions. The study has also mentioned that customers play a significant role in marketing process of communication. This 

enhances customer engagement which increase customer purchase intentions for online shopping in e-commerce. The study accounts for the content that focuses on customers' needs and which solves their problems. CONCLUSION Digital content marketing is a strategy that is used to create, publish and distribute valuable and useful content for a target audience online. The goal of digital content strategy is to help a business of every size to establish a 


relationship with clients by building brand awareness and providing them a content that is attractive. Consequently, digital content is regarded a great practice for small business to grow and to increase its sales and profits. Owners should promote their business by being able to create a content that keep and engage customers. Using online platforms is free and 

accessible however, it is not an easy task. Marketers must be aware which platform is suitable to market out their products or services for example, Pinterest is more used by women, Instagram is based on photos and Snapchat is more used by youngsters. The wide spread of online applications makes the marketplace is a very competitive environment which 

requires small businesses to struggle. Therefore, digital content practice is the opportunity to survive especially, it doesn’t ask for a high budget. Customers always search for new products or services online therefore, a smart firm which has online presence at different websites and social media platforms can easily catch customers.


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