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Why Businesses in the USA Need a Performance Marketing Manager

The first objective of the thesis is to provide a deep insight into the important points that the case company Katrium, a market research company based in Tallinn, should consider before its transition from being an outsourcing research agency to a consulting company. Secondly, the thesis is dedicated to discuss how the engagement of the new customers can be achieved, through the implementation of powerful marketing and sales activities and tools. 

The last aim is to introduce effective marketing and sales tools to the case company, which require minimum or no investments. The research questions have been carefully selected in the first step of the study. It is important to develop clear, precise and easy-to-answer research questions, not only to start the study, but also to give it a right shape and direction. Indeed, a poorly defined statement can possibly mislead the research process or make it 

In the thesis, the main research question is: Which marketing and sales tools and strategies can Katrium, which operates in market research, use to develop its business operations to consulting and increase customer engagement with its limited budget? The following sub questions have been stated to make it easier to provide a comprehensive answer to the main 

Association between operational efficiency 

of a theater and the number of platforms it is connected to. This refinement in O2O operation success. Ji et al. (2013) which shows how big data technologies may turn conventional manufacturing companies into nimble, internet-based organizations flourishing on the O2O model also echoes this.Analyzing customer continuity desire to use O2O applications by Hsu 

(2020) offers important new perspectives on the elements influencing user pleasure and loyalty in the app-based d offline retail price. Grewal et al. (2010) underlines the need of strategic pricing control for retail performance in a digitalized market across several channels. Pu-Con's (2014) research on offline retailers' acceptance of mobile O2O commerce refines 

this strategic lens even further by defining the main factors impacting adoption and emphasizes the complex function of perceived ease of use and dangers.Important elements affecting co are both online and offline knowledge integration.Wei-Phang's (2014) empirical study on using O2O commerce for product marketing emphasizes the efficiency of IT-

Enabled promotional tactics in drawing customer

attention and motivating action across both online and physical environments. Based on a cultural viewpoint and working with a top O2O social media platform, this study provides insights into the subtle reactions of consumers to various promotional efforts, therefore stressing the possibility for customized strategies to improve engagement and conversion.

Finally, by means of an agent-based competitive O2O model, He et al. (2016) investigate evolutionary location and price tactics, thereby offering a theoretical framework for comprehending how service merchants might negotiate competitive markets. This study helps to better grasp the strategic choices that service providers in the O2O environment must make by examining how social learning and online herd behavior affect demand variations 

and service diversity. These studies taken together provide a whole picture of the O2O commerce scene, exposing the complexity of customer behavior, market strategies, and technology underpinnings enabling the flawless integration of online and offline business. The changing character of this sector emphasizes the requirement of ongoing research and innovation to fully utilize O2O commerce in satisfying the dynamic needs of consumers and 

Companies both alik Reviewing the studies 

eveals the dynamic evolution and multifarious characteristics of the Online-to- Offline (O2O) commerce model, a trend mirroring the flawless integration of digital and physical markets. These studies highlight the strategic, operational, and consumer behavioral aspects supporting the O2O model, therefore clarifying the processes and effects of this integration across several industries. Studies highlight in retail and e-commerce the crucial part the O2O 

model performs in bridging the gap between online and physical channels, so improving customer engagement, operational efficiency, and strategic marketing results. Though lacking a thorough scientific framework, Pan et al.'s investigation of O2O modes in retail emphasizes the expectation and hope among retail sector practitioners towards the value and influence that the O2O model could introduce against the backdrop of e-commerce disturbance.

The strategic advantages of combining online and offline pricing mechanisms are highlighted by Pei & Wooldridge (2021) work on manufacturer rebates and channel coordination, therefore exposing a smart technique to minimize channel competition and maximize supply chain profits. This study, together with Li's et al. research on the advantages of online reviews for offline stores, shows the subtle ways companies may use digital information to improve in-


and sales’ strategies and tools of a consulting firm are discussed in the last subchapter. Overall, Chapter 2 defines the research background and supports the empirical part of the thesis.  Research methodology and data collection The thesis is a case study for Katrium, a market research company based in Tallinn, Estonia. The research questions and goals were given by the company, during the practical training period. The case study is a research 

method, which includes two or more research approaches. First of all, it engages the researchers in the company with an in-depth study. The second approach requires the analysis of information, which is qualitative or quantitative, even though both can be used at the same time. (Ayiro 2012, 22.) Moreover, the case study results are not meant to be generalized, as the findings are tailored for a specific situation. Qualitative research targets 

the understanding and the purpose of the study. On the other hand, quantitative research focuses on data which is measurable and can be statistically analysed (Ayiro 2012, 21). The primary ways to data collection with case study are interviews, documents, reports and observations. This kind of research can also evolve into the formulation of new theories, or 

explanatory, experimental, illustrative and descriptive. The first one explains procedures from known theories, while experimental tries to understand the difficulties of implementing a nestrategy. The illustrative theory, as the name evokes, illustrates the new practices going on in a company, and the fourth one tells about the description in details of the strategy applied (Ayiro 2012, 18). For these reasons, the research methods of the thesis are both qualitative 


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