is providing information that gains consumer attention rather than buying the attention with advertising or trying to affect them with one at the time traditional sales techniques (Ryan, 2014). Content marketing is not a new phenomenon, today content marketing is a must-have strategy for companies. The content has to be relevant, high quality and add value to the consumers (Lieb, 2011. Content marketing is all contents that add
and can both directly or indirectly market a business (Gunelius, 2011). A brand voice and identity can be shaped and created through content marketing. There are several types of content such as; digital newsletters, emails, images, videos and social content that is created exclusively for social networks. Content is aimed to market a company’s product or service
entertaining and helping the consumer (Odden, 2012). Content marketing is a pull-strategy, where consumers seek you out rather than you pushing marketing on them. As a business, it is an advantage to have consumers coming to you because it means that they are interested and curious (Lieb, 2011). Content marketing can be used both offline and online. Businesses do not want to interrupt the consumers but rather engage them through their content
Marketing in order to achieve success
(Gunelius, 2011). According to Odden (2012), consumers do not care for interruption marketing, they want to be entertained and educated. Consumers expect value of some kind from brands, such as easy discovered content that they can interact with and share with others. Content creates customer engagement and it could help educate prospects about services or products and guide them through the buying process. The online presenceamong
people is growing, comparing the annual statistics of internet use from Statistics Sweden (2013 and 2014) one can see an increase in using the internet for posting messages to social network sites, chat sites, and blogs from 2013 to 2014. According to the statistics, the increase among private persons was noticeable in every age group examined. Statistics Sweden also releases an annual statistics report with focus on enterprises and their Internet
usage. The report from Statistics Sweden (2013) research the usage of social media amongst enterprishalf of the enterprises in Sweden have a social media presence (Statistics Sweden, ICT usage in enterprises 2013). There is not much to be found on trends, statistics and research when it comes to content marketing in Sweden. In matter of fact, the amount of research, statistics and trends on content marketing is scarce in a global context as well.
However the two marketing education
rganization's Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and MarketingProfs has in collaboration since 2013 released an annual B2C benchmark, budget and trends report on content marketers in North America. Every annual report, first tries to establish the most common tactics used by content marketers. The most popular tactic, social media, has been the same since the first report in 2013. There are several tactics used by content marketers, some of
the most popular ones are providing articles on websites, e-Newsletters, illustrations/photos, videos and blogs (Pulizzi & Handley, 2013). Focusing on the most used tactic, one must consider that there are various social media sites to use when distributing content. Facebook is clearly the most popular site to use in comparison to its competitors. The percentage of content marketers who use Facebook decreased from 90 per cent to 89 per cent between
2013 and 2014, however the percentage increased again to 94 per cent in 2015 and remained the same in 2016. Only Twitter has been close with its 84 per cent usage in 2015. However, whilst the percentage of Facebook usage was the same between 2015 and 2016, Twitter decreased by two percentage points to an 82 per cent usage in 2016 (Pulizzi & Handley, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) Instagram, with its 20 per cent increase, was the social
Media site that took the biggest
jump between 2013 and 2014. Since 2014, Instagram has been the social media site that as shown the greatest usage increase amongst content marketers. The report from 2015, showed an increase of 17 percentage points for Instagram. In addition, the 2016 report further established Instagram as the site increasing the most with its 13 percentage points change
from the year before. In conclusion, according to the content marketing institution report, the percentage points of to 55 per cent in 2013. In 2015, the amount of content marketers increasing their spending increased from 45 to 50 per cent, however the amount of marketers increasing significantly dropped from 15 to 9 per cent. In 2016, the report did not supply the same alternatives, thus changing the percentage quota. In conclusion, content marketers
have been eager to increase spending on content marketing over the last four years (Pulizzi & Handley, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). This thesis will investigate content marketing through online channels for shopping centres. Content marketing could be carried out through a wide range of online channels, however this thesis will be focusing on the online channels of social
Media and website The main focus
will be towards Facebook and Instagram since Facebook is the most popular social media site for content marketers to use and that Instagram has shown the biggest increase in the field over the last years (Pulizzi & Handley, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). A shopping centre is a cluster of retail stores in a close geographical environment under the same roof (Vitorino, 2012). A shopping centre usually has a variety of different retail stores, from clothing to
furnishing to toy stores. A consumer should expect to be able to do all errands under the same roof (Micu, 2013). According to Scott (1970) and Brown (1992), shopping centres are usually single-owned. The tenant mix is important for the attractiveness of the shopping centre, although as of today there is no perfect tenant mix strategy (Yim, Yui & Xu, 2012). Shopping centres are a brand themselves and all the individual stores within a shopping
centre have their own brands. And therefore, it is important for the shopping centre to market and advertise the centre as a whole instead of the marketing and advertising only coming from the individual stores within the shopping centre. The online presence amongst private persons is growing (Statistics Sweden, 2013 and 2014) therefore in order to reach those people shopping centres also need to have a presence onlinecontent marketers using
in 2016 (Pulizzi & Handley, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). The annual reports also looks at the spending patterns and trends of North American content marketers. In 2013, 45 per cent of the content marketers said that they would increase their content marketing spending and 10 per cent said that they would increase it significantly. An even higher percentage of content
marketers said that they would increase their spending in 201 when 45 per cent said that they would increase and 15 per cent said that they would increase significantly. This adds up to 60 per cent of content marketers who would increase their content marketing spending in 2014 in comparison es and it shows that almostshowed an increase of 17 percentage points for Instagram. In addition, the 2016 report further established Instagram as the site increasing
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