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The Impact of Performance Marketing Managers on Business Growth

 This study contained some limitations. First, the population of this study is composed of respondents from five-star hotels. Due to the nature of the hotel industry, the results may not be generalizable to other different categories. Second, this study was confined to five-star hotels in Greater Cairo geographic area in Egypt, so the findings may not be generalizable to other areas or countries. Third, the results derived from the data collected within a specific 

time period "During June, 2021 Therefore, other empirical longitudinal studies are needed to give more reliable implications. Direction for Future Research Performance marketing research must be updated to reflect the experiences of organizations that have applied it. Furthermore, this study can be used to derive many ideas for possible future research. First, 

is possible to apply performance marketing in new presidential projects such as the New Administrative Capital, The New Suez Canal, and many other projects. Second, it is also possible to apply performance marketing in social projects such as a Good Life Project and encourage citizens to participate in such service social projects.As our Performance Marketing Manager, you will play a key role in accelerating our strong international 

eCommerce growth. Molo is already available in all EU countries, including 4 country-specific sites, and shortly we will expand further with a dedicated new US webshop. You will be responsible for creating, developing, and executing innovative strategies across paid media channels. Main focus on Google Ads and paid SoMe. As a driving force in reaching our goals, you master Analytics and internal analytic tools to realise conversion targets, new customer

What is cognitive between humanism and dataism

etween what will sustainably link them with technology and what will make them different the more they become one of the links of technicization trusting not only own feelings but also desire.Thus, digitalization is one of the most significant events of recent years, which includes a range of new chances also in marketing, thanks which our present knowledge undergoes 

ongoing deepening while allowing to understand the past better and to anticipate the future more precisely. But it also brings fresh difficulties. Critics of digital technology, artificial intelligence, especially see them in light of a gloomy future vision. The moment we humans become irrelevant for the Web's operation could prove us to be not the pinnacle of creation. 

We might bury ourselves into obscurity. Turning back could show that the can save consumers time and effort and can assist deliver tailored experiences and products, therefore reducing a lot of advertising (Daugherty, Wilson, 2018, pp. 86 – 90).Filtering systems arrange materials, filter them, and provide consumers with the ones most likely to be noticed so 

Concluding a purchase While fi lter bubbles

polarize our way of thinking and preferences, concurrently it helps to standardize them. Sophisticated algorithms enable consumers to find objects based on assumed importance. The latest incarnation of intimacy is human customers reviews, performance data, fi ltering algorithms and revenue and profi t maximizing strategies that optimize based on financials and propensity to purchase (Weinman, 2015, p. 175). That means that experiences created 

interactions with machines (quantity, quality, depth of experience) call for changes in customer service and a process of creating their pleasure. Modern companies' market orientation depends much on their ability to understand a consumer. Taking social dynamics into account, digital marketing becomes an inspiration of integration of all experiences faced by consumers 

so that they can be involved in interactions with a company by means of digital technology.Digital consumers demonstrate a great degree of competence and talents linked with new technologies; they are mobile, well-informed, wonderfully functioning in multichannel environment. They expect openness, honesty, and authenticity and set more standards on 

Businesses and brands They want to keep

in touch with them and have options for used channels, tools, and approaches for establishing and maintaining that relationship. This   customer started to be native: highly active in hypermedia area, extremely frequent online purchases, much of time spent online. These are not single events; rather, there are many transactions or other points of contact and multiplicity of overlapping interactions. What a consumer does, says, feels – it is not merely a 

buyer any longer, first of all, but a human that gathers experiences, feelings, and sensations (Gregor, Kaczorowska Spychalska, 2018, pp. 71–76). Consumers nowadays are explorers searching for intense feelings in ongoing experience. Living in the realm of information and content, they ingest mostly values, stories and ideas.Their personality and behavior are shaped in great part by access to digital technologies. Evolution has not halted with Homo 

Sapiens; nonetheless, a great distance of evolution is ahead. Presumably, this will lead to the emergence of so-called singularity with better capabilities, which is reflected in shopping experiences, easy exchange of sales data, smarter CRM (instantaneous customer analysis), predictive social media, new ad and content forms (e.g., personalized advertising or 


gladvertising), omnipresent personal assistance, chatbots and maybe cyborgs (Daugherty, Furthermore, digital technologies will be influencing consumer relationships with companies updating mobile apps to consumers or allowing new data analytics capabilities through Big Data technologies (Sacolick, 2017, p. 130). To increase customer involvement, marketing in the digital era integrates online and offline encounters, mixes a style with the essence and 

supplements communication between machines with human interaction (Kotler, Kartajaya and  Thus, it calls for an incremental approach conditioned by dynamics of observable changes that integrates three primary components: unique values that an enterprise/brand represents, consumer expectations and aspirations as well as new models and instruments of satisfying them. It is headed for an analytical activity grounded in mathematical formulas while multiplying benefits in the field of consumers' conceptual and emotional intelligence. 


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