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How to Find the Right Sales and Marketing Consultant for Your Business

 The part wholesalers and stores playRetailers and wholesalers, who account for the biggest private sector employment in Europe, are fundamental to the vibrant fabric of our cities and help to explain their prosperity. Our emphasis on the sustainable, digital, and skills transformation is significantly helping Europe's strategic transition objectives since we are 

drivers of competitiveness and sustainable growth.Our manifesto asks the incoming  institutions to cooperate with us to provide the conditions for success for retailers and wholesalers as well as to turn the problems our industry faces into possibilities.During times of crisis as well as otherwise, the retail sector offers consumers a necessary service by 

guaranteeing access to a large range of reasonably priced food and non-food products and services. Customers must believe that the goods they purchase are compliant and safe, that the given information is reliable, and that they can exercise their rights suitably. Here, retail is quite significant since it acts as a middleman between manufacturers and consumers.

Non-EU-based traders and markets aimed

at EU-based customers have entered the EU market in prior years and are today unfairly benefiting over EU-based traders and markets.This is the reason we call on EU.With Moldova joining the study this year, the section on e-commerce overview now has data from 38 nations on the European continent. Although when adjusted for inflation, European B2C e-commerce 

turnover somewhat dropped in 2022 and 2023 due of a change from online to offline buying following the great increase during the  epidemic and the signi.In B2C e-commerce Western Europe continues to be leading.The EU-27 still hold.Regarding sustainable productsincluding second-hand goods as well as packaging initiatives what is occurring in 

Ireland now Zero-waste stores and refill shops help Ireland show an increasing trend toward sustainable shopping and second-hand goods. For bulk items, for instance, Twig in Clonakilty and the Dublin Food Co-op let consumers bring their own containers thereby minimising single-use packing. Plastic-free, environmentally friendly goods are sold at The Sustainable 

Store in Blackrock Market and Pax Whole 

Foods in Westport.Additionally encouraging sustainable consumption the powerhouse of European e-commerce are online stores like Little Green Shop and Reuzi.If any national policies are under consideration in your market that will probably affect e-commerce,Aiming to improve digital infrastructure and capabilities all throughout Ireland, the national digital 

strategy, the Digital Ireland Framework, By 2028, targets include gigabit network coverage for all homes and businesses; by 2030, 5G coverage for all inhabited areas; by 2030, 90% of public services available online. Through funding and support, the plan also seeks for 80% of adults to acquire basic digital skills by 2030 and helps SMEs in digital transformation. 

Providing strong internet connectivity across the country depends on the National Broadband Plan, which also is essential for the growth of e-commerce. Post-Brexit changes in VAT and excise taxes have driven Irish e-commerce. Along with cybersecurity measures to inspire confidence in e-commerce, the national digital plan also supports digital solutions to lower 

Carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency

Public and business sector websites are required by an EU directive to satisfy the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA grade by 2025. These policies taken together seek to promote competitiveness and innovation in Ireland's digital economy.The departing EU mandate generated a lot of new laws, some of which are still under partial 

national application. Are any EU rules now being incorporated into Irish state law under public awareness and posing particular difficulties Currently being incorporated into Irish legislation, European Union (EU) digital directives including the Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS2) draw public attention and provide particular problems. It's not known as of July 2024 just howThough the United Kingdom, formally leaving the European Union in 2020, 

accounts for a sizable share of European e-commerce volume, the digital economy of the Single Market keeps flourishing. Following a minor drop in 2021 and 2022, the EU-27's population increased in 2023 and should see even more minor increase. Internet and e-shopper penetration keeps increasing. From 2019 to 2023, e-commerce turnover has 


exhibited a consistent rise; nevertheless, when corrected for inflation given high rates, growth in 2022 and 2023 was almost flat. E-GDP has stayed constant; anticipated growth in 2024 European turnover, however the percentage has somewhat dropped. Following closely with consistent increase is Southern Europe. The lack of turnover data for Estonia this year has affected the general numbers for Northern Europe. Now adding Moldova, Eastern 

boasts the lowest turnover percentage. In e-shopper penetration, Northern Europe leads followed closely by Western Europe. The baseline for e-shopper penetration has changed this year to represent the whole population.Western Europe still boasts the largest E-GDP; Southern Europe follows; Eastern Europe has the lowest E-GDP and e-shopper penetration of all the regions.Considering ficant inflation in 2022 and 2023. Still, solid increase is 

predicted ine-shopper penetration has progressively risen. E-GDP peaked during the  but has lately dropped somewhat  legislators and EU and state authorities to set an EU-level playing field in retail for all players aiming at EU-based consumers, wherever they are established. To reach this, we must also have a functional Single Market in addition to a multifarious, 


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