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How Advertising Media Buyers Stay Ahead of Industry Trends

appointing and coordinating specialist services (e.g. creative agencies, research agencies, media planners/buyers), provision of expert advice, developing and producing campaign materials, conducting formative, process, and/or impact/outcome evaluation, and analysis and reporting of evaluation results. Participants had worked on campaigns targeting a wide variety of health issues, including alcohol consumption, road safety, tobacco and vaping control, 

physical activity, nutrition, immunisation, and cancer screening. Round One and Round Two summary Based on the Round One interviews, we generated three overarching categories of failure: strategic failures (relating to the decisions to conduct a campaign and how it relates to other initiatives), process failures (relating to how the campaign is managed from conception 

through evaluation), and implementation failures (relating to the creative design and implementation of the campaign). Each of these categories of failure had subcategories (described in Table 1). Experts generally described all failure types as having a significant impact on the potential success of a campaign, but equally almost all were felt to be highly 

amenable to change. While the categories and subcategories of failure received broad endorsement as being appropriate classifications from participants in Rounds Two and Three, Round Three participants described the relationship between the failures as a more complex and nuanced process than what we had represented in our results summary:

On the second question a screenshot

picture of a video providing fashion inspiration was ranked most interesting the most number of times. Furthermore, this picture was ranked least interesting by a, in comparison; very low 4.84 per cent of the respondents. The picture being ranked most interesting the second most times was a picture of a post that provided information about bus connections to a6. However, whilst this post were ranked most interesting second most times it was also ranked the least 

interesting the most times. That shows that the respondents either rank it as most interesting or not interesting at all. Despite being ranked most interesting second most times, the picture of the bus post was actually ranked least interesting so many times that it received the worst overall score out of the four pictures. Of the remaining two pictures, a picture of an 

entertaining competition post was ranked most interesting more times than a picture of an educational post providing fun facts. The fun facts post was also ranked least interesting more times than the competition post, resulting in it getting the second worst overall score of the four pictures whilst the competition post got the second best overall score. The entertaining 

Posts with the competition received 

mixed rankings. The competition post received a good overall score but did not have a high percentage of the respondents ranking it as the most interesting post. As a follow up on the question ranking pictures of posts, the respondents were asked if there was something that they felt were missing from the mix of different content. 85.29 per cent answered that they did not miss any content; the remaining 14.71 per cent said that they did. If they did, the 

respondents were asked to comment on what they felt wasmissing. Two things were mentioned more than once in the comment section. First, the respondents were asking for more information about food and second, they asked for more offers and sales information about products. The two last questions in the survey were focused on the website. The respondents were asked whether they visit a6 website or not and later comment on why they 

do or do not. 57.14 per cent replied that they do visit the a6 website. The comments showed that the main reason for those respondents to visit the website was to check opening hours. Some respondents also responded that they visit the website to check the tenant mix and if there has been any changes. 42.86 per cent responded that they do not visit the website. Looking at the comments, one reason was that the respondents does not visit a6 often 

Enough that they feel like the

website interests them. Some respondents also said that they do not feel the need to visit the website and that the website do not provide anything interesting other than opening hours. 4.3.2 Differences between age groups When looking at the different age groups, one can see both differences and similarities. A difference is that the age group 18-24 follows a6 on Facebook to a higher extent than the two other age groups. When being asked to rank pictures of posts from 1-4 there were some differences. On the first rank question, the age 

group 18-24 liked the opening hours post best. This was not the case for the age group 25-32, who was more interested in the post providing inspiration for setting a table. The age group 33-40 liked the two posts almost equally much. All age groups least liked the make up video. The age group 25-32 ranked the entertaining post with the shipping quote as more interesting than the other age groups did. On the second question, all the age groups ranked the fashion 

trend video as the most interesting one, however the two younger age groups differed to the older one when it came to the least interesting ranked post. Both the two younger age groups found the post with the bus connection information to be least interesting, whilst the older age group ranked the educational post with fun facts as the least interesting. When being asked if they missed some content after looking at the pictures, the age groups responded differently. 


20 per cent of the youngest age group, 18-24, responded that they did miss something. This percentage was lower in the age group 25-32, where only 7.14 per cent responded that they missed something. In the oldest age group, 33- 40, no one responded that they missed something. When being asked if they visit the website, the youngest age group was the group with the highest percentage of visitors with 60.87 per cent of the respondents visiting the 

website. The other two age groups showed the same result at 50 per cent of the respondents visiting the website.The CMI framework states planning, audience, story, channels, process, conversations and measurement as important steps of the content marketing process. Those steps are similar to the ones presented by Odden (2012) and Jefferson & Tanton (2015) where the main essence of the steps is the same, however the steps are named 

differently. content marketing process should have a good planning phase, structured audience segments, engaging storytelling, suitable channels, a well thought out process, awareness and engagement in conversations and a well suited way of measuring the success of the content marketing. All these steps seem to be important aspects of the content marketing process and should be considered when creating one’s content marketing strategy.


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